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John The Baptist Speaks


"The message of this book is simple but practical!  It contains leadership principles which can be applied to virtually every area of ministry in the church."


Rev. Charles R. Meile, Jr., Senior Pastor

The Greater Zion Missionary Baptist Church

Harrisburg, PA


"An enlightening, empowering and enjoyable read!  Joe Robinson has performed the work of a superb archeologist.  Using his rich experience as a spade and his academic knowledge as a shovel, he has unearthed golden nuggets of truth in his seven vital principles of leadership development from a Biblical perspective.  A must read for both pastors and lay persons interested in discovering principles that lie embedded in New Testament persons such as John the Baptist."


Rev. Charles E. Mock, Chairman

Home Mission Board

The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Nashville, TN


"Cutting through the mystique and mania surrounding the cult of leadership, Joe Robinson looks to the "wild man" at the origin of Christianity, John the Baptist, as an exemplar of seven very straight forward yet profound imperatives that provide a foundation on which one can develop effective leadership capabilities for serving humankind at any level in any context.  This engagingly written short book offers inspiration along with sound advice for leaders in the making in any walk of life."


Dr. Theodore H. Poister, Professor of Public Policy

Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA


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